
Well, this is intriguing that you want to know so much about me. I'm not going to give everything away, but here are some stats and facts about me, if you really still want to continue reading...

Age Years
Height 1.91 Metres
Weight 92 Kilograms
Languages 2.5 Spoken languages
Total distance travelled by air 457,821 Miles
Total distance travelled by vehicle 952,170 Kilometres
Total distance travelled by foot Not enough Feet
Accuracy of above 3 statistics Low Accuracy
Countries visited 54 Countries
Total time spent outside home nation 43800 Hours
Spouses 1 Wife
Dogs 1 Mini Goldendoodle
Cats 0 Feline
Time spent married Months
Time spent unmarried Days
Hearts broken Not Many 💔
First car Nissan Pulsar Circa 1989
Sports played 5 Accompanied by 5 broken bones
Favourite sports team Geelong Cats Footy (real footy)
Bulls run with 24 🐮
Distance travelled jumping out of planes 15000 Feet
Distance travelled jumping with ropes 100 Metres
Distance travelled in white water rapids 15000 Feet
Biggest fish I have caught 84 Pounds
Marathons run None Yet!
Total social followers 8,251 Connections: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram
People that have visisted this site I'll tell you when I setup Analytics
Businesses founded 1 :-|
Businesses sold 1 :-)
Profit made Some - not much. :-(