My Portfolio

Browse through my projects, click through to the live sites or checkout the code here

cryptosim cryptocurrency trading platform


A cryptocurrency trading platform that allows users to 'test before they invest' with monopoly money and live trading prices.

Node.js | Express.js | MySQL | Sequelize | Passport.js | Charts.js | Bootstrap
Review Butler

Review Butler

A React App that uses AI to understand the context and sentiment of customer reviews before generating a custom response on behalf of the business owner.

Google Natural Language API | React.js | Node.js | Express.js | MongoDB | Mongoose | Passport.js | Materialize


Using facial recognition technology, Polify analyzes the data of the current US congressman's emotions based on their official profile photos.

Microsoft Azure Emotion API | Node.js | Handlebars.js | JQuery | AJAX | Chart.js | AMCharts | Bootstrap
ebrandz website


Website design for eBrandz Australia using a fellow YC Alumni's website building platform.
> Webflow

Webflow editor -  HTML | CSS
Snappr photo analyzer

Snappr photo analyzer

AI that tells you if your profile photo is good. Get a Free Analysis of Your LinkedIn Photo and Tips on How To Improve it.

Marketing | Business Development
Geelong's Celebrant

Geelong's Celebrant

A static HTML website for my mum!.
Merry Christmas Mum!

 HTML | Javascript | CSS | Bootstrap 

NBA Player-me

A compatibility-based application that matches users with current NBA players based on personality attributes. See which NBA you are closest matched to!

 MongoDB | Mongoose | Node.js | Express.js | Handlebars.js | Axios | MVC

NBA Fantasy News Journal

An easy to read one page app that scrapes for the latest content in NBA fantasy news, including injury updates, trade rumors and more.

 Node.js | Express.js | Handlebars.js | JQuery | AJAX | Bootstrap | Materialize