Print a tree using BFS and DFS

Fundamentally, the difference between DFS and BFS is that with a DFS you push the children of the current node onto a stack, so they will be popped and processed before everything else, while for BFS you push the children onto the end of a queue, so they will be popped and processed after everything else.

DFS is easy to implement recursively because you can use the call stack as the stack. You can't do that with BFS, because you need a queue. Just to make the similarity clear, lets convert your DFS to an iterative implementation first:
DFS - Depth First Traversals

Tree.prototype.traverse = function (callback) {
  var stack=[this];
  var n;

  while(stack.length>0) {

    n = stack.pop();

    if (!n.children) {

    for (var i = n.children.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
BFS - Breadth First Traversal (Or Level Order Traversal)

Tree.prototype.traverse = function (callback) {
var queue=[this];
var n;

while(queue.length>0) {

  n = queue.shift();

  if (!n.children) {

  for (var i = 0; i< n.children.length; i++) {