
Full stack javascript dev, MERN stack. Proficiency mostly in front-end/react through UC Berkeley. Also Microsoft certified in data science, but rarely do anything with this. See some of my projects here

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Enterprise Sales

Lead and coached small sales teams through to executive training of 80+ media leaders at Google. Managed well over $500mil in revenues with an A+ track record.

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Taken 3x startups from 0-$1mil, most recently in 2017 through YCombinator. Worked on and advising a RevOps startup. Very skilled at building programs, using tools and aligning functions for growth.

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My Projects

Here are a few of my projects that I can show, feel free to click through, they are all hosted on Heroku. More projects are: here

cryptosim cryptocurrency trading platform


Node.js, Express.js, Passport.js, Chart.js Sequelize, Passport.js Bootstrap

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Review Butler

Review Butler

React.js Node.js Express.js MongoDB, Mongoose, Materialize, Passport.js

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Microsoft Azure Emotion API | Node.js | Handlebars.js | JQuery | AJAX | Chart.js | AMCharts | Bootstrap

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ebrandz website


Website design, website development, SEO, PPC, Facebook Ads, Email Marketing.

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Here are 30 interesting statistics/facts that you may not be aware of. Also, if you would like to know 30 stats about me click here

Reading List

I like reading books. I don't know why you would be interested in my reading list, but just in case you are click here

Coding Challenge Solutions

This will be a continuous work in progress. I have attempted a bunch of coding questions you might find being asked in technical interviews. click here